Friday, September 7, 2007

We love our ranch!!!

Patch. What a horse! She wanted to be with Tess while we were riding.

We just got these chickens. The white one is a Bantam Rooster. Pretty huh? We also have some Rhode Island Reds, some Black Stars and an Anacondra pair.

This is Tess. She is the best horse we have. We love to ride her. Beautiful.

These sheep are our weeders. We move them around the ranch and they eat the weeds we don't want. We have 12 other sheep. These are for sale. Interested?

Miles can catch chickens in his sleep.

We loved having Grandma Hammond at Lake Powell this year!

Henefer Hammonds Love Boating and the Beach!

It was really fun to see the merfolk tanning on the beach.

The whole group that made it this year.

Thanks to some Yellow Magic the boys caught lots of fish.

Henefer Hammonds Love Boating!!!

Miles and Austin loved feeding the fish.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

This is our Carter boy!!!

Carter keeps us all laughing. He is the happiest kid you have ever seen!

Miles and Austin

Miles and Austin started preschool on Sept. 4th. They love it! Kathi gets 3 hours 3 days a week to do what ever She wants! What will she do with herself?